Stakes In The Ground: Vol. 1
“www” is the symbol meaning the ‘World Wide Web’, and those intimately aware of its power have a sense of comfort navigating the numerous virtual platforms and websites available to the searcher. The Scriptures are God’s revealed will to His children, and their depths and width yield so much for His children who navigate its sacred pages.
We are not acknowledged as ‘royals’ in the earthly context; however, the Bible affirms us as “a royal priesthood” (1 Pet. 2: 9); and, having been washed in Jesus’s precious blood, He has “made us kings and priests unto God” (Rev. 1: 5, 6). As such, our righteous standing in Christ affords us the spiritual authority and privilege to “decree a thing, and it shall be established…” (Job 22: 28).
Stakes In The Ground is scripturally based, and as you journey through the Scriptures each day, and make decrees and declarations over your life, and those you associate with, there is no doubt that you will personally discover secrets to effective living, and timeless treasures that will enrich you.
May the open portals of Heaven’s limitless supply drench your life as you “drive these decrees and declarations as “Stakes In The Ground!”
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