Stakes in the ground
As a beta reader, I can attest to the transforming power of these Declarations. Each time I read a Declaration, hope soared within, and I felt empowered by the Holy Spirit to conquer all of life’s adversity.
Dr. Sharon Apopa
My daily reading of Stakes in the Ground has completely rearranged, realigned, and restructured my entire life. My conversations are more declarative and in collaboration with the work and power of God in my life. My conduct is impacted by the Holy Spirit, allowing me to be more obedient as I live by the Fruit of the Spirit. I am more attuned to the River of God which flows by and through me, making me bolder in my witness to the lost. Thanks you Bishop Clark Minors for this tremendous work of love.
Sonia Graham, Montego Bay
Stakes in the Ground Decrees and Declarations has been a huge encouragement that has helped through a very difficult time in my life. They have reminded me of who God says I am, and of the authority and power that he has placed within me to overcome anything that the enemy throws at me. To God be the glory for what He has done for and through Bishop Minors!
Too many times to number, the Declaration for the day pulled me out of bad decisions, awakened and fortified any wavering discernment, and redirected my walk with the Lord. I am probably going to have to purchase a third trilogy, because one set was removed from my home without permission, and one was given to a dear sister in Christ who was going through crisis. My spiritual growth is bolstered daily by the Declarations, and I depend upon each as one definite, unassailable Word from the Throne Room. The benefits are too many to be brief.
Clover Henry-Gilroy, Florida
Stakes in the Ground to my life is like God’s bestowments on a daily basis to me. It encourages and propels my faith to rest and remain strong in the unfathomable power of my loving Lord and Master, Jesus Christ.
Mother Joyce Williams
I praise God for the clarity, power and revelatory word decreed in takes in the Ground by Bishop Dr. Clark Minors. As I awaken each morning, it has become my daily devotional that affirms, confirms and establishes my walk daily from God’s perspective. His promises are “Yes and Amen”. I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ, with my heart and mind firmly rooted to walk and have my being in the promises of God’s Word.
Rev. Arleen Swan
Stakes in the Ground has been an amazing game changer. I use it with my daily devotions, and speaking these powerful decrees and declarations aloud has changed the atmosphere. I feel that I can do all things. It is a reminder where to put my focus. Thank you so much for putting such a powerful tool into the hands of the Body of Christ.
Jeneietta Spencer-Brown
To God be the glory for this divinely-inspired trilogy Stakes in the Ground. These daily declarations have come straight from Heaven, downloaded into Bishop Clark Minors and shared with the Body of Christ throughout the world. I am strengthened, empowered and equipped more because each is laced with Scripture, which I love. My faith in built up, and I receive added courage and determination to face each new day as I “DRIVE THESE DECREES AND DECLARATIONS AS STAKES IN THE GROUND”. I definitely recommend Stakes in the Ground as a tool and powerful resource to every believer who wishes to walk in the power that Jesus Christ has made available to His Church. I’m glad to have my personally signed set, which I use in my devotions.
Rev. Hshaana Knight
I keep my book at my desk at work, and each morning as I enter the office, I read one of the Declarations. They invigorate and empower me to go on. The words bring light and life to my being, and they remind me that God never goes back on His words and promises!
Lady V.M. Blair